有幸結識一位很棒的德國攝影師 Wolfgang Probst
Wolfgang Probst
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2005年才自台北藝術大學畢業的劉奕伶,2007年來紐約發展。兩年的時間內,不但成為Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane舞團團員,而且在舞團的紐約演出中擔任要角。 Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane舞團的創辦人比爾提瓊斯(Bill T. Jones) 被譽為美國現代舞教父,跨足現代舞劇場及百老匯歌舞劇。劉奕伶在6 月中旬參加演出的Chapel/Chapter舞劇就曾獲得被視為舞蹈界奧斯卡的「貝錫獎」(Bessie Award)。 紐約被許多人視為現代舞者的聖地「麥加」。劉奕伶在接受中央社記者專訪時表示,能加入比爾提瓊斯舞團是機緣,也是她對個人的期望與堅持。 劉奕伶在2007年暑假獲得在這個舞團實習的機會,去年7 月即正式成為舞團的團員,是目前舞團中唯一的亞洲舞者。 融合舞蹈、吟唱和角色獨白並以多媒體呈現的舞劇Chapel/Chapter是舞團在2006年的作品。過去三年,舞團應邀到世界各地演出這部經典之作。 劉奕伶說,她非常幸運能在去年麻薩諸塞州的賈可布枕舞蹈節(Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival)的10場演出中獲得劇中要角的機會。6 月11日至14日在紐約的四場公演是Chapel/Chapter的封箱演出。經典作品和演出場合是年輕舞者嶄露頭角最好的機會。 劉奕伶是北藝大舞蹈系七年一貫制第一屆的畢業生。在校期間曾經演出古名伸、林惟華、林懷民、張曉雄、楊銘隆、鄭淑姬、羅曼菲、蘇安莉以及美國知名編舞家崔莎布朗(Trisha Brown)的作品。 來紐約之前,她在台灣曾參加新古典舞團、古名伸舞團、影舞集以及台北越界舞團演出,也曾在國內外演出舞蹈家劉鳳學、古名伸及何曉玫的作品。 對於舞者而言,紐約充滿機會與挑戰。劉奕伶表示,舞者在紐約要勝出,必須有個人特質並且能展現個人特色。她認為,加入Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane舞團,最大的意義不只是演出,而是能從觀察劇場呈現的每一個環節中學習領會。 |
分析:您的性格類型是「INTP」( 學者型 )
對任何感興趣的事物,都要探索一個合理的解釋。喜歡理論和抽像的事情,喜歡理念思維多於社交活動。沉靜,滿足,有彈性,適應力強。在他們感興趣的範疇內, 有非凡的能力去專注而深入地解決問題。有懷疑精神,有 時喜歡批判,常常善於分析。 INTP型的人是解決理性問題者。他們很有才智和條理性,以及創造才華的突出表現。INTP型的人外表平靜、緘默、超然,內心卻專心致志於分析問題。他們 苛求精細、慣於懷疑。他們努力尋找和利用原則以理解許多想法。 他們喜歡有條理和有目的的交談,而且可能會僅僅為了高興,爭論一些無益而瑣細的問題。只有有條理的推理才會使他們信服。通常INTP型的人是足智多謀、有 獨立見解的思考者。他們重視才智,對於個人能力有強烈的欲 望,有能力也很感興趣向他人挑戰。 INTP型的人最主要的興趣在於理解明顯的事物之外的可能性。他們樂於為了改進事物的目前狀況或解決難題而進行思考。他們的思考方式極端複雜,而且他們能 很好地組織概念和想法。 偶爾,他們的想法非常複雜,以致於很難向別人表達和被他人理解。 INTP型的人十分獨立,喜歡冒險和富有想像力的活動。他們靈活易變、思維開闊,更感興趣的是發現有創見而且合理的解決方法,而不是僅僅看到成為事 實的解決方式。
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明天是瑞士伶在聖加倫的第三個首演。整晚演出只有一個作品,舞名為 Silence. Now!
This is the story that I wrote for my solo in the new creation of the company which is called Silence. Now!.
Story of the solo in Silence. Now!
I woke up in the middle of the night, and I walked out the house. there were woods surrounds the house and a lake which is not so faraway. I followed the moonlight to the lake. I was holding a feather (or hair, or paper, or leaf, or dust….. ) which is full of my life and has weight but not so heavy.
At one moment, I decided to drop the feather into the water, but then I tried to catch it. I went down and down to the water with the thing that I dropped. I came up again, and I found that I still holding the feather between my fingers. what was just happening was actually only happened in my mind.
This time, I did drop the feather to the water, I again tried to catch it, but as soon as it touched to the water, it started to fly. I followed it for a moment and then I walked away from it, and I returned and I walked away. It became a game between me and the feather.
The feather dragged me into the woods. it came closer to me or away from me, and I did the samething to it or sometimes I just stayed and didn’t move then it would come closer. There was one moment that I catch it and hold it tightly, but then I let it go for to continue our game. The game became bigger and faster. We were rolling to the floor, flying through the woods and so on. A while later, I tried to go further, so I ran and I jumped, and when I turned my head back, the feather was gone.
The moonlight was still there, the trees, the lake was still there. I didn’t try to find the feather, because it looked like there was no feather from the beginning, it looked like only myself in this space with the moonlight, the trees and the lake. But I still went back to the places where we had our game, and I tried to remember the game we had, but the memory came slower and slower. Suddenly, I saw myself was running back to the house, and when I reached to the house, my eyes opened. And I realized that what was just happening was just happened in my dream.
25. Mar. 2009