
Sebaceous & Medication trip

OK... Sebaceous is not broken yet but inflamming still so can't do the surgery right now. Have to clean it with Hydrogen Peroxid and massage it with Bacitrin to let the pus come out so the swelling could go down sooner. Emergency room for 7 hours in Elmhurst on 2/23 evening, Promptcare in Bloomington, IN on 2/25 morning, Infectious Disease doctor in Flushing last night, Plastic Surgery doctor in midtown this morning and then ENT doctor in chinatown this afternoon. Catscan, pain-killer, allergy, one shot, one pill, one antibiotic, another shot, 2 other kinds of antibiotics for 7 days, then another 10 days, one more antibiotic..... I'VE HAD ENOUGH!!!!!!!!! FUCK THAT.....
